How To Get 99 Cooking In Real Life…

How To Get 99 Cooking In Real Life…


Get ready to spice up your kitchen with "RuneScape: The Official Cookbook" by Jarrett Melendez and Sandra Rosner, hitting the shelves on April 16, 2024, for just £24.99.

This hardcover gem is packed with over 50 recipes inspired by the fantastic worlds of Old School RuneScape. Whether you're combat lvl 126 or a lvl 3 noob, this cookbook is here to boost your cooking skills and take your taste buds to a whole new level. This cookbook isn't just about cooking – it's a visual journey into Gielinor's tasty side. With colourful pictures accompanying every recipe, you'll feel like you're right there in the game.


What are the recipes?


Grilled octopus with Pesto.

Let's discuss the delicious dishes that are inside. Have you ever had grilled octopus and pesto? For you, that's Karambwan! Do you need something nice and warm? Your go-to comfort food is a haddock stew called Rocktail Soup.

Rocktail Soup

Haddock Chowder

If you enjoy traditional snacks, the baked potato is a versatile friend that may be prepared in three or more ways. Feeling a little posh? Take a stab at grilling lobster, a flavourful treat that transports RuneScape's coastal atmosphere to your tongue.

Make a redberry pie, sometimes known as a cherry pie, for dessert, and enjoy it all with in-game beverages like the Blurberry Special or Asgarnian Ale.

To be honest, I'm shocked Jarret and Sandra were able to execute such a brilliant plan! I've often wondered what all these things would taste like in real life as a die-hard OSRS player, but I don't have to anymore!


Have a read through the contents.


My honest opinion.

In summary, "RuneScape: The Official Cookbook" is more than just a collection of recipes; it serves as a starting point for learning about the culinary offerings of Gielinor. Fans can now experience Old School Runescape with a blend of simple cooking and entertaining gameplay thanks to Jarrett Melendez and Sandra Rosner. Let's cook up a storm that reaches beyond the game screen, so tie that apron and grab your supplies!



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